Saxon isnt bagging on Linux and he isnt spreading the Hateorade. Since he is the biggest advocate of Linux that i have ever seen. Even more than you. But at the same time while you are telling him to not spread the hateorade for Linux you are doing it for Windows. Yeah that is really fair.
I have run Win7 since Aug 6th when it was available on MSDN and TechNET. Guess what? I still have not formatted or reinstalled Windows since that day. I also install and uninstall more software than you, plus run Beta software as well. I ran the Office 2010 Preview, Beta and now Final with removing the 2 previous versions and still nothing slow about my machine. Sorry mate, but it is not the "slow down after time effect" cause if it was i would exhibit it as well. Which i dont.
Sorry but you shouldnt be telling people not to spread the hate and then do it yourself. It is only fair.
Hey I understand where you're coming from Mak. I know I can get a little edgy in certain topics and spout off my own hatorade. But let's just make sure we keep Apple out of the conversation so I don't REALLY exhibit that.
In all seriousness, I understand. I just find it hard to believe that people can look at Ubuntu and criticize it over other distros. I'm not your average Ubuntu fan boy. I've used countless distros and still do to this day. My server is on Debian. Why? Because it suits my needs better for that scenario. My spare rig is on Fedora. Why? Because it suits those needs. Ubuntu is just the one that makes sense since it just works for my desktop needs. Is that a bad thing? I use what works like anybody else, yourself included. It's just a red flag to me to stand up and call ******** when someone likes Linux, yet dogs on Ubuntu. It's like going to the race track. You all have your done up muscle cars. But yet, there's always that Chevy guy dogging on the Mustang. And for who? For what? Why? You all have after-market garage-built big block engines. The guts are similar. Do you really have to dog on the Mustang because you're a Ford hater?
One thing I just have to get out there - Never just assume anything, such as the amount of software you install. I have the unfortunate job of locating each piece of software we have across all schools and testing it on 1 single Windows 7 machine. I need to make sure everything works. All printers, usb devices, webcams, photoshop, cadd software, audio/video software, reading programs, math programs, educational games, anti-virus software, office 03/07/10, you name it. I have to try it.
In my testing - yes. I have seen slow downs over time with my Windows 7 box. Who knows, maybe a simple defragment could have handled it. I don't know, and I admit I didn't really dive into it too heavily since I know I re-image all systems frequently enough to avoid that problem from ever arising in the first place.