Is getting an Xbox worthwhile??

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Baseband Member
I was thinking of getting an X-box for my birthday and was wandering if they are any good. I mostly play Rpg's so is morrowind and baldurs Gat: Dark alliance any good???
If you are an RPG fan I would stick witha PS2, the rpg's for X-Box are pretty lame, and few and far between.
yeah but i was also going to get the DVD kit which is supposed to be superior to the in-built PS2 DVD, since i watch alot of movies quality is important. Also after RPG's, FPS is best and X-box has great FPS.......damn this is a hard decision.......
go with ps2 -- think about it, if you get an x-box what do you have to look foreward too Halo??
Ecniv said:
If you are an RPG fan I would stick witha PS2, the rpg's for X-Box are pretty lame, and few and far between.
I have to agree with that. I have an xBox. We played Bauldar's Gate and it was okay, but not great. Finished the game on the hard setting in 20 hours. :)

I've seen DVD's played on both PS2 and xBox and I don't notice any appreciable difference in the viewing.

However, I do like the xBox, and contrary to what seems to be a popular complaint, IMO Halo is a great game!

Dave :D
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