IP A \ B\ (Investigatory Powers Act \ Bill) Highlighted Information ..


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England, UK
In November 2016 in the U.K their has been a Bill introduced by the acting Government also known as the snoopers charter for 40 + various authorities to actively engage in the monitoring and DATA harvesting off all British Citizens.

After reading threw a lot of the on line contents available of the IP Act or Bill as you wish all U.K Citizens are actively being tracked by their ISP, CSP's (Communications Service Providers) , in regards to the various 40 + Authorities available to actively intercept information.

The following Authorities have the power and capabilities to access your personal DATA, all and necessary information.


Metropolitan police force
City of London police force
Police forces maintained under section 2 of the Police Act 1996
Police Service of Scotland
Police Service of Northern Ireland
British Transport Police
Ministry of Defence Police
Royal Navy Police
Royal Military Police
Royal Air Force Police
Security Service
Secret Intelligence Service
Ministry of Defence
Department of Health
Home Office
Ministry of Justice
National Crime Agency
HM Revenue & Customs
Department for Transport
Department for Work and Pensions
NHS trusts and foundation trusts in England that provide ambulance services
Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service
Competition and Markets Authority
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Department for Communities in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland
Department of Justice in Northern Ireland
Financial Conduct Authority
Fire and rescue authorities under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Scotland
Gambling Commission
Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
Health and Safety Executive
Independent Police Complaints Commissioner
Information Commissioner
NHS Business Services Authority
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board
Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Regional Business Services Organisation
Office of Communications
Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
Police Investigations and Review Commissioner
Scottish Ambulance Service Board
Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission
Serious Fraud Office
Welsh Ambulance Services National Health Service Trust


Under normal terrorist circumstances with regards to terrorism this will prove useful but for the security and privacy minded with the likes of GCHQ who are actively monitoring the incoming and out going communications of the state as I believe they are run under MI6 your personal Information sent back and forwards threw your tablets, mobile phones, PC's, Mac's, and anything else is being collected by your ISP and held on record for a minimum of twelve months.


The following provisions of the Act or Bill as you wish include the following.


Introduced new powers, and restated existing ones, for UK intelligence agencies and law enforcement to carry out targeted interception of communications, bulk collection of communications data, and bulk interception of communications;

Created an Investigatory Powers Commission (IPC) to oversee the use of all investigatory powers, alongside the oversight provided by the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament and the Investigatory Powers Tribunal. The IPC consists of a number of serving or former senior judges. It combined and replaced the powers of the Interception of Communications Commissioner, Intelligence Services Commissioner, and Chief Surveillance Commissioner;

Established a requirement for a judge serving on the IPC to review warrants for accessing the content of communications and equipment interference authorised by a Secretary of State before they come into force;

Required communication service providers (CSPs) to retain UK internet users' "Internet connection records" – which websites were visited but not the particular pages and not the full browsing history – for one year;

Allowed police, intelligence officers and other government department managers (listed below) to see the Internet connection records, as part of a targeted and filtered investigation, without a warrant;

Permitted the police and intelligence agencies to carry out targeted equipment interference, that is, hacking into computers or devices to access their data, and bulk equipment interference for national security matters related to foreign investigations;

Placed a legal obligation on CSPs to assist with targeted interception of data, and communications and equipment interference in relation to an investigation; foreign companies are not required to engage in bulk collection of data or communications;

Maintained an existing requirement on CSPs in the UK to have the ability to remove encryption applied by the CSP; foreign companies are not required to remove encryption;
Put the Wilson Doctrine on a statutory footing for the first time as well as safeguards for other sensitive professions such as journalists, lawyers and doctors;

Provided local government with some investigatory powers, for example to investigate someone fraudulently claiming benefits, but not access to Internet connection records;
created a new criminal offense for unlawfully accessing Internet data;

Created a new criminal offense for a CSP or someone who works for a CSP to reveal that data has been requested.

Again I will hi light the need for a VPN using something like tunnel encryption and strong DATA Encryption and a company that holds no log files.

After these revelations I would strongly recommend avoiding using a company based in the U.K for DATA Encryption or VPN Services as they will be forced looking at the legislation to comply with the Law and provide a back door or provide full access to encrypted Information.

WhatsApp has just recently been along with iMessage told to break their own encryption for the Authorities to gain access.

Evidently you will have too assess the threat level as all encryption can be broken and will be eventually in time as new standards become available and openly used on the consumer market.

Their are a lot of democratic countries who find this legislation in the U.K a complete invasion of privacy. As we all know about GCHQ monitoring the incoming and out going traffic of the state this new legislation now looks inwards to the 40 + authorities and gives complete intrusive powers to the Government, Police, DWP, and many more I have not stated.

With the likes of CCTV available at every turn in the U.K from walking down the street to the super market to filling up at the Gas \ Petrol Station. With the Banks who actively monitor your debit cards, and keep track records of information and now the ISP's keeping all and necessary information on U.K consumers along with all CSP's the active state of monitoring and the threat of the invasion of pricey just become a lot more evident in the Post Snowden Era.

Their are ways to combat this if you are willing to take necessary steps to protect your self and yip you guessed it I'm gonna tell you a few.

If you buy a VPN subscription use a pre pay debit card.

Set up a Temp E Mail Address or if you wish for a full time E Mail, avoid any personal information such as name address and postcode. Avoid 2 step authentication using your personal mobile number.

Set your destination to that of a foreign I.P address were as the Laws are transparent around DATA and communication inception.

Do your research on the VPN Provider.

Try to avoid social networks such as face book, Twitter, and Instant Chat. Also IRC as this can seriously cause problems with your I.P Address being leaked.

You could set up Personal HDD Encryption using the likes of Vera Crypt. A fork of True Crypt but a lot more secure.

If you wish to take things to the real world pay in cash.


Their is so much we hear in the U.K are having to deal with rite now unlike a lot of 1st or 2nd World Democracy's in other parts of the wold a lot of people are not genuinely aware of the full implications of whats happening around them. Mr.John Smith and Mrs.John Smith will go about their daily life unaware of whats happening. Unaware of their phone being smurfed or a given local authority monitoring their Internet connection.

If you wish for further reading on this then try theese links.












If you wish you can read my other posts about locking down your browser and securing your system. Setting up OpenVPN and other stuff I've covered such as TOR etc: ..


Try not to get paranoid now. :p ...
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