Help....end of the road...surely the only way is up..?? Just bought a new Asus motherboard(A7N266-VM) with Athlon XP1900 & 256 DDR. Put in my old 30gig Maxtor HDD & Gforce 2 Ti. Have Windows XP pro. First problem - wouldn't boot past the Window XP logon screen, just switched itself off. No matter what i did. Someone mentioned a clean install - tried it but always got a fatl error screen. Tried disabling the Bios cache but windows always froze on the setup screen(i.e the one where it has the time to go on the left hand side..)Took an absolute age to get there also it was loading real slow. Don't know what to try next......Are there any Bios changes i need to do..?? Is the HDD incompatable..?? It worked no problem on my other mboard(running WinXp, Athlon 750) If anyone could help i would appreciate it..