Hello - This is going to be my 3'rd time asking for help about this particular internet issue on the internet. So far, no other forum has been able to help me, and since the issue has been rising again these last few days, I am once more going to throw in my lot, and hope that someone can help me.
(THIS IS ON A CABLE CONNECTION, NO WIRELESS.) So what is the issue? I am not entirely sure. What happens, is that my internet will - At random dates and time of day, get these "hissy fits" where it will intermittently cut off, time and time again. And when I say random, I truly mean random. The internet can cut off once on a whole day, for all but 2-3 seconds, or it can go into modes where it will cut off up to 8-9 times within 5 minutes, or not at all. The intervals are also completely random, sometimes its back to back, sometimes its every few minutes, or an array of seconds.
The amount of time the internet cuts off is also completely random, I've had anything between 2 seconds, to 8 minutes of my internet cutting off. Which on some particularly bad days, have resulted in up to 40-60 minutes of downtown, where my internet will cut for off about 20 times in short bursts, mixed with long ones. It is not that bad these days, but as said, it has been rather bad today.
When it cuts off, the ethernet icon in the taskbar will get the red cross (Indicating there's no ethernet cable plugged) Then eventually yellow, and then back to normal. It is the red icon that dictates the length of the cut-out, as the reconnection usually happens very quickly.
I feel like I have tried just about -anything- to fix this problem, and I will include a list of this down below, so you can see what I have tried.
I have tried
- 3 different cables: My old, another random one I found, and a completely new one.
- 2 different sockets in my room.
- Directly connecting to the modem.
- Ordered a new modem, tried directly connecting to it.
- Completely change ISP.
- Got a third, new modem. Runs through television cables (Old one ran through something else, I guess phone?)
- Directly connecting into the third modem.
- Updating internet drivers
- Uninstalling and Reinstalling internet drivers
- Buying a new internet adapter
- Installed completely new drivers
- Updated said drivers
- Uninstalling and reinstalled the drivers
- Setting static IP & DNS
- New power adapter
- New computer screen
- Messing with computer power settings
- Messing with network settings
- Messing with modem settings
- Turning off all other appliances
I have probably tried more - At least all the basic stuff, and lots of the more complicated stuff. I am getting pretty desperate here, its an issue that has been going on for years, 5-6+ and always in waves. I'm a gamer, and the disconnects, no matter how small, still heavily disrupts my games, especially during competitive matches.
(THIS IS ON A CABLE CONNECTION, NO WIRELESS.) So what is the issue? I am not entirely sure. What happens, is that my internet will - At random dates and time of day, get these "hissy fits" where it will intermittently cut off, time and time again. And when I say random, I truly mean random. The internet can cut off once on a whole day, for all but 2-3 seconds, or it can go into modes where it will cut off up to 8-9 times within 5 minutes, or not at all. The intervals are also completely random, sometimes its back to back, sometimes its every few minutes, or an array of seconds.
The amount of time the internet cuts off is also completely random, I've had anything between 2 seconds, to 8 minutes of my internet cutting off. Which on some particularly bad days, have resulted in up to 40-60 minutes of downtown, where my internet will cut for off about 20 times in short bursts, mixed with long ones. It is not that bad these days, but as said, it has been rather bad today.
When it cuts off, the ethernet icon in the taskbar will get the red cross (Indicating there's no ethernet cable plugged) Then eventually yellow, and then back to normal. It is the red icon that dictates the length of the cut-out, as the reconnection usually happens very quickly.
I feel like I have tried just about -anything- to fix this problem, and I will include a list of this down below, so you can see what I have tried.
I have tried
- 3 different cables: My old, another random one I found, and a completely new one.
- 2 different sockets in my room.
- Directly connecting to the modem.
- Ordered a new modem, tried directly connecting to it.
- Completely change ISP.
- Got a third, new modem. Runs through television cables (Old one ran through something else, I guess phone?)
- Directly connecting into the third modem.
- Updating internet drivers
- Uninstalling and Reinstalling internet drivers
- Buying a new internet adapter
- Installed completely new drivers
- Updated said drivers
- Uninstalling and reinstalled the drivers
- Setting static IP & DNS
- New power adapter
- New computer screen
- Messing with computer power settings
- Messing with network settings
- Messing with modem settings
- Turning off all other appliances
I have probably tried more - At least all the basic stuff, and lots of the more complicated stuff. I am getting pretty desperate here, its an issue that has been going on for years, 5-6+ and always in waves. I'm a gamer, and the disconnects, no matter how small, still heavily disrupts my games, especially during competitive matches.