I want to live in the US just for this:

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Fully Optimized

The funniest thing ever. :p

Edit - was a bit rushed when made this thread: Search with guide. Think of something that would be funny that is not porn related. Paste the convo.
So every gets the idea of what this site is about, here is a example for those pedants out there:

mass debating

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: sherric
sherric: Welcome to ChaCha!
sherric: I am Sherri, I will be assisting you in your search today.
You: ok
sherric: is this for a school project?
You: yes
You: i want a good mass debate
sherric: ok I have found some good links
sherric: Hold on a moment please, your results will appear to the right of your chat box
You: do you like to mass debate?
sherric: Link #3 looks really good
sherric: I never got into it
You: why not?
sherric: I became a cop so I just learned to listen and I never debated
You: i love to mass debate
sherric: I have watched them on TV, and so many times I agreed with both people
sherric: hard to take a side
You: yes it is hard
sherric: was for me
You: i like publically mass debating though
sherric: this last Nov election was really bad
sherric: do you do that a lot?
You: every day
sherric: You going to get into politics?
You: no
sherric: wow
sherric: I thought that was all most debates were for
sherric: goes to show what I know
You: yes
sherric: how are these links so far?
You: they dont seem to have what i am looking for
sherric: what are you looking for so I can narrow it down
You: when i mass debate it usually involves naked women
sherric: I dont think I am going to findthat, anyways we are not allowed to search for adult topics
You: oh right
You: do you have a husband?
sherric: yes
You: does he mass debate?
sherric: he used to over gun control
You: lol
You: did he find it hard?
sherric: no, because when he feels he is right on something he dont back down
You: so he would mass debate until it came?
Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!
Looking for guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: BarbaraB
BarbaraB: Welcome to ChaCha!
BarbaraB: Hi there..
(I hope there isn't anything wrong with debating?)
Trifid said:
(I hope there isn't anything wrong with debating?)

Hah, that's mean...:p

Nope, I didn't realize it was going to be a live person..I figured a bot or something...
nothing too exciting...

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: JacquelineR
JacquelineR: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: heyyyy jackie
JacquelineR: Hello!
JacquelineR: How are you?
You: do you mind if i call you jackie or do you prefer jacqueline?
JacquelineR: Either is fine lol
JacquelineR: Jacque
JacquelineR: or
JacquelineR: Jacqueline
You: i like jacque, that's unique
JacquelineR: whatever works for you
JacquelineR: Thanks!
JacquelineR: So how may I help with your search?
You: i'm trying to find out some good carpet cleaning tips
You: for...err....feces
JacquelineR: ew, ok let me take a look for you lol
You: thanks! do you keep your carpet clean jacque?
JacquelineR: lol you know I do!
You: no feces on it i presume
JacquelineR: Well now, I've had my daughter's baby land some feces on my carpet lol
JacquelineR: Will these sites do the trick?
JacquelineR: LOL
You: how did that happen???
You: yes those look helpful
JacquelineR: Or would you need more info?
JacquelineR: How did what happen?
You: nothing, nevermind
You: that'll do it
JacquelineR: hahahaaa
You: thanks jacque
JacquelineR: Ok! Have a good night!
I went to guided search and got "BlakeM" so I disconnected.

EDIT: Meh, I didn't feel like messing with them too much. Mines rather boring

SandyP: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Oh my!
SandyP: Goodevening..
You: Good evening to you
You: I need some good information on the advent of sweatshops
SandyP: sure just a moment please while i find your results..
You: Do you get paid for this stuff? Or are you part of a sweatshop too?
SandyP: its a job.. i work from home
You: Nice, I don't think I'd use this service if it was a bunch of children being whipped into finding me search results
SandyP: no were all in the convience of our homes.. we pick our own hours ect
SandyP: i will look
You: Pay well? More than 10 cents a day I hope
You: ahh, good ole wiki
You: I'm sure that'll have everything right there
You: Indeed, first paragraph is history of them
SandyP: yes 5-10.00 hr
SandyP: yes
You: Not a bad gig
You: Thanks Sandy, you've been a doll.
SandyP: Thanks for coming to chacha.. Have a great night..
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