I know a lot of you won't want to help me

How dare you, that is illegal, it is classified as stealing, and if you can afford a wireless antennae you can afford the internet, and if its for a short time why are you buying a wireless adapter, you make me sick!
Shame on you!
Mod's, in view of the protests building up, should the the thread be closed, or should more action be taken, sent to the spam archives, or even a ban?, what do you think.
Well he hasn't replied yet, but if he's going to use his neighbor's internet, at least ask him or come up with a deal first. Don't just leech it without asking.
Yeah i think you should ask him 1st, or go out and get a part time job to pay for the DSL, At uni in the past i will admit that i have used someones wireless, but only very breifly and while the dude was at work, so he was'nt using it, and therefore i was'nt slowing him down! also if you d/l stuff llegaly etc, it will be your neighbors name that the ISP will hand over to the authorities, not yours and that is a bit unfair.....
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