I am new here

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Beta member
Hi!! I found this site via forumdirectory.net and had to stop by- You can never have to many tech sites listed in your favorites folder. especially when you have a Compaq :D This board looks really great and very professional. Kudos to the designer
Hi and welcome to Tech Forums SydneyMBT. i also hope you like our forums:)

its always nice to greet new members:D

Hi and welcome to Tech Forums SydneyMBT. i also hope you like our forums:)

its always nice to greet new members:D

Thak you guys- This place is pretty cool- and the nice layout makes it very inviting- Some boards put way too much graphics, or not enough- this is perfect
Thak you guys- This place is pretty cool- and the nice layout makes it very inviting- Some boards put way too much graphics, or not enough- this is perfect
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