I Am Legend

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Well regardless of whether Smith set that rope in the water or not is a matter of debate that could go on and on. Quite honestly, I would tend to believe that he did not set it and leave it only to forget about it. It is in such a bad place for one of the zombies. That would mean he is operating under the HOPES that one stumbles past there and gets caught with no bait to try to get it there. Also, he can't come out unless its light, meaning the one he caught would be dead in that trap. The zombies set it, imitating what he did. Hence the reason the leader one with the dogs showed up right as it was getting dark. Hence the reason Smith was so paranoid walking around there, shooting out windows. Besides, he is a brilliant doctor, I doubt he would just forget about a trap he had made.

As for the mannequin, it was moved by the zombies. In an earlier scene, the same mannequin is seen outside the video store, which is why Smith was so freaked out.
The mannequin's head also moved when he drove by, I kept on replaying it on the screener file and it definitely moved.
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