how do u install starcraft customs

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its easy to install and use Sims customs but Starcraft customs arent. it says in the instruction to open the .cwd file using Stardraft then click on the popup box the cwd file and choose starcraft or staredit. stardraft loads w/o problems but the popup box is empty though the cwd file is at the stardraft directory. this is disgusting. can somebody clearly tell me the instructions STEP-BY-STEP?
i have the same problem, when i go to delete the folder it tells me that I have performaed an illegal procedure and that windows needs this folder
Stardraft is no longer used. We use MPQDraft to load our customs these days. All you have to do is download MPQDraft and Memgraft (If you have something with a .MEM file. And, one of the files that come with memgraft is a plugin for MPQDraft. Allowing you to load a MEM file with your MPQ.)

If you want to play an older mod thats in a CWD or a SECWD, You have to convert it yourself.
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