T Tama 2 Beta member Messages 3 Mar 17, 2003 #1 Hey all, my buddy said I was ready to build my own computer, that was 2 months ago. I will miss him , lol. Found this site , hope to find info to help with my project.Looking forward to picking everyones brain.
Hey all, my buddy said I was ready to build my own computer, that was 2 months ago. I will miss him , lol. Found this site , hope to find info to help with my project.Looking forward to picking everyones brain.
E Ecniv <a href="http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f109/foldin Messages 1,765 Mar 17, 2003 #2 Welcome to Tech- Forums Tama2! Feel free to "pic our brains" whenever you like! But stay away from the noses please...
Welcome to Tech- Forums Tama2! Feel free to "pic our brains" whenever you like! But stay away from the noses please...
M Myth Pharoah Baseband Member Messages 74 Mar 17, 2003 #3 Erm... I'd rather you pick my nose you know? I've gota perrenial supply of the stuff that stays in there. Welcome man! *holds brains tightly* DON'T YOU DARE!
Erm... I'd rather you pick my nose you know? I've gota perrenial supply of the stuff that stays in there. Welcome man! *holds brains tightly* DON'T YOU DARE!
M masalex Baseband Member Messages 36 Mar 20, 2003 #5 response welcome to the tech forums dude! i am also a newbie here. hope to learn along w the others. Cheers!
response welcome to the tech forums dude! i am also a newbie here. hope to learn along w the others. Cheers!
M masalex Baseband Member Messages 36 Mar 20, 2003 #6 response Ã…nubis said: Hey Tama 2 & Masalex! Welcome to TF.Net! Please enjoy your stay here... Click to expand... Thanks dude! Hope to make the best of my stay here. Cheers!
response Ã…nubis said: Hey Tama 2 & Masalex! Welcome to TF.Net! Please enjoy your stay here... Click to expand... Thanks dude! Hope to make the best of my stay here. Cheers!