Homegroup/network sharing issues


Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
This has seriously got me scratching my head. I have a Homegroup set up for the computers in the house and it has worked flawlessly for a long time, even after I installed Win10 on my machine (all others are Win7). Starting a few weeks ago it went all to feces.

As of right now the Homegroup shows two computers (wife's and mine) in it where it should show four (MiL's and media center as well as the other two but MiL's is probably asleep). Network shows four (me, wife, media center, and wireless printer).

If I try to access what is shared on my wife's computer through the Homegroup I get a message that it is unavailable. Part of the message: "If the location is on a network, make sure you're connected to the network or Internet, and then try again. Accessing it though the network only gets you the public user but nothing else that is shared.

If I try to access the media center through the network I get a Windows Security popup to enter network credentials but there are no network credentials.

All I can think of that has happened was maybe some MS update to Win10, or something was changed when I cleaned my PC from an AnonimyzerGadget infection (used Zemana (still using), AdwCleaner, HitmanPro and followed directions from here).

Hit me with what you've got because I haven't found anything online that has helped.
Firewalls / firewall settings reset?

Could you disable the Homegroup, then re-enable it or re-set it up?
Firewalls / firewall settings reset?

Could you disable the Homegroup, then re-enable it or re-set it up?

Not sure about the firewall settings as I had not messed with them beforehand so would not know what might have been changed, but given that this is happening on every computer on the network I doubt my firewall is the culprit.

I will give killing and recreating the Homegroup a shot tomorrow and see if it helps. I had read where someone solved a similar problem by changing the Homegroup password but it didn't help mine. I also found where someone had changed the name of their computer on the network, rebooted, changed it back, rebooted and that worked... no dice for me.
Odd. Good luck - I've never used the Homegroup feature; always just used old Workgroups to share networking lol.
looks like Homegroup is doing nada. The issue seems to be with sharing over the network but it just isn't making sense.

From the media center I can access the downloads drive on my computer... but not the music folder within it. I tried sharing just the music folder but still cannot access it from the media center.

From my computer when I try to access E: on media center I get a network error, Windows cannot access \\Mediacenter-pc\e. You do not have permission to access \\Mediacenter-pc\e. Contact your network administrator to request access.

Damned if I know what's going on.
I've also never used Homegroups so no clue here either sorry :( always saw it as analogous to Google's "hangouts" or "wave", why use it when the "traditional" method works just fine :p
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