Hewett Packard has a web site to update the firmware for a HP Photosmart 618 digtal Camera that will screw your camera so bad it is worthless at http://ftp.hp.com/pub/pc_photography/software/618en.htm.
DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR CAMERA. Hewett Packard stated if your camerea is working find you should have upgraded the firmware and states its not there fault. So now I have a 600.00 paoer weight. If anyone could tell me how I can get this new update out of my camera I would be very greatful.
DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR CAMERA. Hewett Packard stated if your camerea is working find you should have upgraded the firmware and states its not there fault. So now I have a 600.00 paoer weight. If anyone could tell me how I can get this new update out of my camera I would be very greatful.