Here's an idea.. all the 'Proud' TF Members come here.

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Whoa! You serious!? That's the major! You look like you'd be in a swedish death metal band :D
TheMajor said:
I dunno, lol. I like 70's/80's disco and Michael Jackson.

ya know i already knew this and it still shocks me cause, like nubius said, you look like you should be in a death metal band.
wow peeps, keep the pictureless posts to the minimum please XD

BTW, Harper you look like a biker!! XD but you wear a DBZ coat so it doesnt fit lol.. you look cool anyway XD

CntDwntoExtnct w/e you spell you'r name like... you look like Ozzy Osborn[is that how you spell Osborn?]!! WEAR DARK GLASSES ARE RETAKE THE PICTURE ROFL!

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