here you go, cute asian girl movies

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WTH is this? YouTube - Cutie Honey

sry bud but i have a different taste in girls, im all about European chicks
I love heroic trio too
I posted about yo yo and cutey honey because of amazon, hehe
I saw the 2 together from something, then found the trailers
yo yo is a spin from the sukebandeka series
I'm not too familiar with the cutey honey storyline for all the anime/manga fans out there, but I love female heroin movies.
wouldn't it be more or less specific?
for example, you have unattractive and attractive people from all creeds/races

I would think some of you have standards of some sorts, lol. But of course, it's completely and 100% normal to only find females of your creed/race attractive.

your gf WAS asian/american or amerasian? Half asian and half caucasian?
You know asians who are born in america or who live in the US for a very long time are called Asian Americans. hehe
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