having dual setup with different size monitors vs same


Daemon Poster
does it affect speed at all having main monior and then a smaller one vs having both monitors identical resolution on extended desktop not duplicated?

im stuck now on what would work better.
having 2 identical 4k screens that are a little smaller vs having one big main monitor and a smaller one for apps that stay open all the time like pandora and calendar and sticky notes etc
nah shouldn't impact anything.
I had two 27" 4K monitors at my old job. It was great
At home I had 2x 32" 1440p monitors, one 144hz one 60 Hz -- Window movements were a bit jagged when going from one to another but otherwise it was fine.
i also have 3x 1080p (1x 40", 2x 21") way back in the day. Worked great, used the 40" monitor for games and the two 21"ers for random other things.
good point I think I stick to identical size.
moving windows from one to another did suck with different size
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