Havin' a Break as it were

I've passed 10k, so I'm happy, and with everything coming up very soon (ASs and such like, including my Amazing Site ;)) I feel ashamedly this brilliant site needs to be knocked off my list of things to do for a little while, perhaps a month, maybe two. At very most I will be gone until 1st May - when my site is supposed to be released; likely with my next New Threads being the advertisements of the various areas and uses of that new Site.

I have updated my MSN Messenger Login, so if anybody wants to contact me on there I will still be on a great deal. For all those already on my list I won't be on any less or any more. I will also still review Private Messages Sent to me through ComputerForums. (I will continue to endeavour to find my camera and hence put my visage up on that Member's Photos Thread, but that will be all).

Have fun without me :D
dude, 1st of all when did you say your new site comes out ? and when it does can you make shure you put it in the Advertizing sec. so i can zip over there and join up ?

By the way, it's not gunna be the same here without you, but we'll manage i guess..:rolleyes:

Anyway's too bad that we did'nt get to see the real you in the member's photo thread...Oh well, maybe one of these day's.

I am missing you already..*wahhh*

I voted eethbert!!! And yeah u will be missed mainly because i like the way you like xbox's and stuff!!
good luck in your exams and what not

ill still me on msn to bug you

and make sure i get a copy of you no what you no when ;)
Don't worry Matt. Big Jugs IV will be sent to you as soon as I copy it.

Nice to know Count Fandango is well loved :D And strange to hear Emperor Hu'Zak - the most evil creature to exist - is welll loved too.

Hopefully I will find my camera and sort out that picture.
Please take some pics of Greathanc with that camera!! I cant wait to seee wat its really like!
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