half-life multiplayer

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Solid State Member
Ok, i know half-life is probably the best-known and most-played online game to today. There are a crapload of mods and maps and i think the maps are even interchangable meaning each mod can play eachothers mods maps for the mostpart. I normally play TFC but i recently started palying at, a server called [LADT] Team-Play. Now the half-life multiplayer online, is it just called "deatmatch" or "hldm", because at serverspy.net when i look at the details of the server it doesent list a mod and i was wondering about this. SO what mod am i playing??? also when i go though and look for half-life (just normal half-life) servers that server isnt listed, but its in the serverspy.net database...so , my question is. What mod am i playing at and can someone clear up this half-life multiplayer question about deathmatch or just normal and stuff. :mad:
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