got my new trackball mouse..

Äߧý∩†H♠H䎀;761875 said:
Is it just me or does that mouse look like a spaceship?

I hear ya man. I hate those mouses. My friend had one, I was like. Just get another mouse plz! Even if it's a ball mouse or w/e they are called. I can't stand this thing. It was driving me nuts. I was about to throw it out of his window.
my freind used to have that and he played starcraft on it, it was hard as hell, i tryed it a couple of times and sucked so bad at it haha
I hear ya man. I hate those mouses. My friend had one, I was like. Just get another mouse plz! Even if it's a ball mouse or w/e they are called. I can't stand this thing. It was driving me nuts. I was about to throw it out of his window.

i used to be a freak at those mouses, except the ball was moved around with my thumb not my middle fingers.
Hm.. that's interesting. I just looked it up and apparently it does work both ways.

Apologies to Joga and Taylor.
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