Good-Bye Twenties

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I smoked since I was 14 and wish I never have. I quit in boot camp, but was also dumb enough to start again. I am currently trying to quit for the 3rd time.

If you've never smoked do yourself a favor and never start. You definetely not missing anything.
having fun does not end with 30. it gets better. my 30's have been the best so far. Age is just a state of mind. if i knew then what i know now my 20's would have been very different.
i know i know, i WONT start smoking, i just bought the cigs because i could, and a reminder of how disgusting they are. i always make fun of people who smoke, like "mmmmmm i can feel the cancer already"
Smoking..........i started at 14 and i wish i never started. i stopped for basic training and pregnacy with 3 kids and was stupid and lite up the first chance I got........then again we all have to face our maker one way or
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