The eXtreme Power Supply Calculator contains 1100+ CPUs including latest processors from Intel and AMD, latest graphics cards from NVIDIA and AMD (ATI) and more!
The recommended total Power Supply Wattage gives you a general idea on what to look for BUT it is NOT a crucial factor in power supply selection! Total Amperage Available on the +12V Rail(s) is the most important, followed by the +5V amperage and then the +3.3V amperage.
eXtreme Power Supply Calculator Pro version contains Amperage per +12V, +5V and +3.3V power supply rails, recommended UPS rating, multiple video cards and more. See the Features Comparison table here.
eXtreme Power Supply Calculator
The recommended total Power Supply Wattage gives you a general idea on what to look for BUT it is NOT a crucial factor in power supply selection! Total Amperage Available on the +12V Rail(s) is the most important, followed by the +5V amperage and then the +3.3V amperage.
eXtreme Power Supply Calculator Pro version contains Amperage per +12V, +5V and +3.3V power supply rails, recommended UPS rating, multiple video cards and more. See the Features Comparison table here.
eXtreme Power Supply Calculator