exercises without using no weights

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can any one of you tell me what exercises are best to work on your bicep, tricep, upper chest and lower chest, do push ups work all your arms and upper chest and shoulders depending on how far you have your hands apart, is it best to elevate your feet higher also do you do push ups slow pace or just do it normal speed
push ups (as fast as possible with out making is crazy, but make sure you are actually doing a push up, and not humping the floor)

Ching ups, start with your arms straight, not bent, pull yourself up until your chin is at the bar(hold for a moment), and all the way down again(until your arms are straight again.

Sit ups....

stuff like this is easy, and you don't need any equipment.
Push ups with your feet elevated, like on a chair/couch/bed. Totally changes the way it works and makes them much more effective.
Push ups are best done slowly, not fast and with your back straight and you head looking forward.

drop down, hold it for a second and come back up.

That is a proper push up.

You can also add weight, for example i throw my iba on (body armor) which weighs about 27 pounds and do them with that on. If you dont have any weights, you can have a buddy simply push down on your back as you do them, gives the same effect as weights which is resistance.
One thing to note, slow steady exercise seems to work better. At least for me. A rapid fire set of pushups or pull ups uses the spring effect. Slow up, slow down works more muscle groups. I would start out with as many as you can do in one minute. If you do elevate your feet, start small say a foot off the floor. If you put them up on a chair right away you will kill yourself. Where's Tofu? He's the exercise nut around here.
If you don't have any weights you should consider picking up a resistance band, very inexpensive and you can get a really nice work out from using them.
Push ups are best done slowly, not fast and with your back straight and you head looking forward.

really? my gym teacher always said that if you did them in control (obviously not flopping around alot,) that the faster the better. I guess he was wrong lol.
how many reps and sets do you think i should do

For toning the general rule is:
60-70% of your max lift for 12-14 reps

For muscle size building:
70-80% of your max lift for 8-10

Max lift being the maximum you can lift in one go then can't do another. Slow and steady is a ot more effective then fast.
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