Executing Build Process from Command Pompt?


Baseband Member
Recently I built wxWidgets in Code::Blocks so I can create applications using wxWidgets in Code::Blocks. To do this I specified the location of the MingW bin folder in the 'Path' global variable, changed the directory in DOS and added the following entries to create a debug and release version of wxWidgets for windows:

mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=0 UNICODE=1 MONOLITHIC=1 BUILD=release

mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=0 UNICODE=1 MONOLITHIC=1 BUILD=debug

It worked and thats all I did. I can now create wxWidget gui's in code blocks.

My question is.... How does one come up with the above command prompts???? Where does this syntax come from. I don't necessarily want it spoon fed to me but I'm stunned that there seems to be nothing in the world which will explain this. Is there a book or a resource which explains in detail how the command prompts are created?

I'm currently trying to build PODOFO (a pdf library) to use in my applications, which will also be used via code::blocks and compiled using MingW. This process requires zlib and libjpeg of which I have the vaguest understanding of what they are. Thats not important right now. I'm just trying to learn the command prompts so I can build say.... zlib using MingW. The next step is to use CMAKE to create a makefile which will somehow use zlib for PODOFO. There is some vague link to MingW here but at this stage I'm not worried unless its relevant. To further complicate things, if I go to the zlib website there are 3 or 4 different versions so I'm not sure which one to chose, where to put it or how to build it (or is it compile). Any clues on this would be very welcome.

Thanks in advance.
This must have been a hard question. Any keywords I need to look up in order to do this. Any advice/keywords to search in relation to this topic?
I'm not familiar with mingw32-make, but I would imagine there's a manual somewhere which details the parameters and their specific effects. I would try and dig it out for you now but pushed for time, sorry!
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