dumbell help

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also i do push ups, arm curls and bicycle crunches atm my question is do i need to work on my shoulders aswell because when i just started doing weights ages ago i was skinny as a raik but now ive got muscle but ive noticed im not getting any bigger is that because im not doing no shoulder excercises
If you're working out, you should work all major and minor parts of the body, to keep in proportion.
I used to work out a lot but I stopped cause for some reason I am eating more then ever but I lost 5lbs and I am trying to gain weight. I only weigh 135lbs!!!

I have muscle and an 8 pack. Just need to gain weight without losing any muscle and then work out more so I don't gain more muscle.
I get clicking in my right shoulder, when simply lifting my hands over my head.

I don't get any clicking in my right or left shoulder while working out. Regardless of what exercises I do.

I never have pain in any ligaments.

I'm leet.
ive decided im going to get a tricep and curl bar and put my 20kg weights either end, so il be concentrating on my triceps and biceps what you guys think, or you think i shud get heavier weights for the bars, lets say 50kg
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