Do USB com ports have designated #s


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Do USB com ports have designated #s

Last week I installed a boat engine diagnostic consisting of a piece of hardware that interfaces to engine diag. port and a software on DVD.

After configuring SW.

I installed EV Daig.s hardware I physically plugged the devise into a USB port. IIRC PC designated com port3. or could have been bc I just happen to choose that USB an it happens to be com3?

is this com3 a designated physical location USB port. My LT has 3 USB are they #ed com1/com2 an com3?
they must be bc when I installed the devise on com3 I'm thinking thats the only port this devise will function on.

Today I think I could have plugged the extension cable (which extends the devise) in a differnt USB port maybe thats why I could'nt connect to boat engines EMM engine management module? I thought the extension cable was faulty.

then accidently plugged into the correct USB minus the extension thats how I connected. bc I just tested the extension on a differnt PC an it works fine.

So next time I diagnose I’ll mark the USB port. Thanks for advising
No, Windows does not designate USB ports by number. It can and does designate the connections from USB ports with COM/COMM numbers, but they have nothing to do with the physical ports themselves

Sounds mostly like either a flaky USB port, a flaky USB extension cable, or the software just doesn't like using the extension cable (could be losing too much voltage).
No, Windows does not designate USB ports by number. It can and does designate the connections from USB ports with COM/COMM numbers, but they have nothing to do with the physical ports themselves

Sounds mostly like either a flaky USB port, a flaky USB extension cable, or the software just doesn't like using the extension cable (could be losing too much voltage).
so when I installed the hardware cable, it has the chip builtin. I could physicaly choose any 1,2,3 USB ports then when I interface I don't necessarily have to plug into the same USB port I installed the device on?monitor page.jpg
notice in lower left com3 open an bard rate. I believe open means connected to EMM bc below I have the dissconnect option.

last week when I recieved the diagnostics (EV Diag.) the extension was functioning however this was w/ engine turned off, I was basicely retrieving historical engine faults which I found which stay as undeletable files in the EMM data base.

I've tested the extension on a differnt PC it's functions properly.
yesterday I interfaced w/ extension I'm not exactly sure of the complete procedure (there are no instruction on operations or installation thanks ebay) I think it's
1.ignition key turn on 2. plug in interface 3.start program
if proper procedure isn't followed no connection to EMM error an not reconized USB devise.

yesterday what I was reduced to was removing the extension I also plugged into a differnt USB port but was able to connect to EMM notice RPM of engine is displayed.

brp2 monitor.jpgwill interface again today an be more observate of procedure an where I plug in.
basicely my ? was an I forced to plug interface into the same port I installed the devise on thus com3. thanks trotter will report back
The cable is a device meant to connect to your ECU via a serial connection, it's not a standard USB connection, that's why it says COM3. Typically on laptops Type A ports are all wired to the same USB chipset which is internal to the CPU, while any USB C ports typically have their own chipset.

In your case I think Trotter is right, there might be too much voltage drop with the extension on a specific port. Process should be plug USB into ECU, open your software, turn ignition to ON position (power, not start) and the software should start reading.
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