DNS 'Records' Help

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Ok, I am hosting a companies website for them. I am leaving there server alone and email server, all I am going to do is point their 'A Record' to my IP address (my server).

My question is, how long does it take the 'A Record' to update?


Another question...

I do not mess with DNS stuff that much. But, the 'A Record' has been changed. Now, when i go to airline tickets cell phone deals at whatever.com, it pulls up their old site. but when put airline tickets cell phone deals at whatever.com. it pulls up mine.

WTH!? - 'www' i didn't think 'www' matters anymore? And why is their website doing that? I am hosting over 20 different websites, and none of them are like that? I can put in 'www' or not, and it still goes to their site.

It can take 24-48 hours for DNS to update fully. The DNS servers will look for the new servers as long as the domain points to your servers.
Thanks Makaveli213!

Yeh, the guy changed the 'A Record' to 66....... (My IP Address hosting servers), and then he changed/updated the ftp. & www. CNAME's also.

But when as of right now, when you go to http://...com it is still old site. when you go to http://www....com it is new one. Same domain just a 'www.' added makes 2 different locations.

? - Silly - ?
Well there shoudl be some code in teh CPanel of the host that allows for the address no matter how it is typed to be directed toward your server. I know that my site i can access by just typing in the site or adding the www to the front.
www is simply a subdomain. It needs to be pointed in the direction of the server that is it trying to get to just like any other subdomain of your main xxxx.com. And as with any other DNS server, the www direct to whatever points to your IP (typically "home" or @) it will take a little time. Just like Makaveli213 stated.
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