DLL errors

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Beta member
I started having this problem about two months ago when I bought the game CSI and tried to install it. I kept getting DLL errors. I have troubleshooted with the Software Company, Microsoft, and HP to no avail. I discovered I had some type of virus which I think has been isolated. I even took the computer back to recovery to square one which did not help either. (After that I was unable to re-install MSN8)
Here are the errors I am getting:
1. Error reading CDRom in Drive E - Please insert CDRom with Serial Number 4A97-0E1C in Drive E (there is no disk with that number)
2. Error #0x80040707 - Description - DLL function call crashed: ISRT._WaitOnDialog Set up will now terminate.
3. Autorun has caused an error in Kernel32.DLL - Autorun will now close.
Everything else seems to be working okay on my computer. Thank you for any advice and help you can give me. I am running Windows ME.
Did you fix it??

Hey if you haven't fixed that problem yet here is an idea. I was having that problem installing Star Wars Galaxies. I did a virus scan with PCCillin and it fount the ADW_TENGET trojan virus. It isn't a dangerous virus but it is a spyware virus and it messes with your registry. Type the virus name in google and goto the Trendmicro website and follow the way to fix it. It worked for me.
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