DirectX 9.L will be a DirectX 10 for Windows XP

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Yeah no suprises here either, I found it rather obvious that SP3 would include an XP backport to a DX10 rendering path. Then again, this is the evil microsoft corporation that works against your best interests we're talking about here...
nah, requirements aren't THAT heavy. for many people, a cpu upgrade and video card upgrade is pretty standard stuff to do after a few years anyways.
That article says the opposite of what i've read.

What i've seen is DX9.0L is going to be for Windows Vista Users with DX9.0 video cards. Those that are using Vista that haven't upgraded to a DX10 compatible card yet. Or, the fact that the cards aren't even available yet.

Jam3s-Zer0 said:
Not sure what I worry about more. Direct X 10 or the Sorce on where I found this news from.

the inquirer is not some one that I believe. And considering the big stink that has been going around about how HALO 2 PC Version will only work on Windows Vista, I would rather be doing some more reading before I believe this DX 9L news
well well the inquirer was wrong lol

"We managed to confirm the existence of DirectX 9.0L but it won't be a DirectX 10 for Windows XP. It will be the other way around. It is a faster version of DirectX 9.0 that will run under Vista only.

So I have to disappoint all of you who expected to run DirectX 10 games under Windows XP (and apologise, huh, Fudo? News Ed.) as there won't be an API to supports it. "
No shock tbh. I knew it sounded too good to be true and when it comes from the inquirer....
That was the last time I will actually think of believing anything from there...
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