Diablo II, low framerate

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Baseband Member
Im having trouble with performance in Diablo II. It runs ok untill there are more than 8 or 9 monsters on screen and then everything gets really choppy. Which doesnt make sense because I average 50-60 fps in Q3.

Before I play I turn off all background programs bringing my system resources to 90% free. Im playing it on a PIII 800, 512mb sdram, gf2mx, win98se. Is this a common problem for older computers with D2 or does anyone know any tweaks that could help?
You are using a Geforce 2 Mx, thats the problem. Diablo 2 and quake 3 have different types of graphics. Spend 75 bucks and get a high end geforce 3 and youll be very happy.
Ok, I kind of figured that, its just the system reqs on the box are soo low it had me wondering. Thanks for the reply :) .
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