Dealing with technology trauma?


This is sparta!
Hey guys is there anyone here experiencing antagonism towards their technology desires? And how did one over come it?

On several instances of my life my superiors whether my work, church or parents have associated technology as evil. From parents taking away my gaming or pc rights when scoring low grades. My work said I was addicted to my phone. I made a purchase with my stimulus check on a new system and The next issue would be my roommate who is a technologist himself had loaned me money a month later and then he found out about my technology stuff and then had me return all of it.

So now I’m legitimately not under the control or influence of anyone. But even then I’m afraid of even touching my computer or iPad or such. There’s too much trauma to enjoy it. Like I’m sinning or doing something bad.

I'll try to answer your question best I can but I can only answer from my point of view.

Their have been many times when I have in particular found mobile cell phones very hard to deal with. Its now got to the point where I would love to get rid of the damn thing. Very hard emotionally to deal with. Constantly switched on and having that stress alone where I can get no down time to rest is very emotionally draining.

When I charge my Cell these days I turn it off. Simple as that. If you look at the culture of Cell Phone technology, you can do everything on them, Banking, talk to people, text, Video calls and then all things data. I personally refuse to go anywhere next to FB or whats app, messenger or even the likes of twitter and or anything else . If my Mobile is turned off then I don't want to be contacted. Social Networking is a no no for me, why do I need to talk to someone I went to school with twenty years ago, the past is called the past for a reason. Its kinda like If I want to watch a program on TV then now at 35 Years old I know what I'm interested in and what my likes and dislikes are at the age I'm at now. I'm 35 now not13 ..

The thing is with me personally I like to be in control of what technology I have in my life, I don't need FB so I don't have it, I have a Cell for the doctors, keep in touch with family and pretty much the basics. As I've got older my personality has changed a lot and I mean a lot. When I've talked about alcohol on these forums, having that exposure compared to say ten years ago, I'm completely different person. I've done a lot of growing up and for me, that's what it took. These days, mostly speaking I just cant be bothered .

I would say technology is not a sin in its self, but you have to look at the people behind it. If your sitting their on a computer talking to someone then its the person behind it who you are talking to. Technology these days when you look at the bigger picture is mostly geared up for communication and entertainments on a public consumer level . Cell phones, the desktop, the laptop, TV sets, the internet in its self. The technology you buy should provide a function and a purpose in your life, I'm of the opinion, if I don't need it then I don't want it mostly speaking .

Hope that helps a bit.

:) ..
Try to not over think it. It started with religion then went to culture, race, nature, food habits, politics, and more because of being too stiff with it. Although I personally think religion is special case, but that's just me.

Just like anything else, technology is a two sided weapon. It can be used for good and bad. A knife can be used to prepare a tasty nice looking club sandwich and it can also be used to commit murder. It's up to who uses it.

One has to have resolve and strong will. Make a schedule for yourself and do whatever you want in the allotted time, but be strong to stop it once the session is over. I'm addicted to cartoons (no matter Western or Japanese) and video games but if I go to work, I forget about it completely and never put any of it on any device that I can carry along. Strip your mobile out of every thing unnecessary so that at work you cannot use it. Use a very limited plan for your work SIM card so you get more careful with it.

Good luck!
Hey guys is there anyone here experiencing antagonism towards their technology desires? And how did one over come it?

On several instances of my life my superiors whether my work, church or parents have associated technology as evil. From parents taking away my gaming or pc rights when scoring low grades. My work said I was addicted to my phone. I made a purchase with my stimulus check on a new system and The next issue would be my roommate who is a technologist himself had loaned me money a month later and then he found out about my technology stuff and then had me return all of it.

So now I’m legitimately not under the control or influence of anyone. But even then I’m afraid of even touching my computer or iPad or such. There’s too much trauma to enjoy it. Like I’m sinning or doing something bad.

I don't want to overstep or anything, but we can't really let religion dictate our life. All religions have one thing in common, the belief that if others don't share your belief–then they are "sinners", "unsaved", etc and etc.

Please remember that religion, at its core, is a system of principles and beliefs made by MAN. Only faith, at least in my understanding, is God-ordained.

I relate to you in a way. My previous religion banned eating pork (go figure) and as a devout, I never found it weird. After leaving that church, only then did I find how weird that was.

Relating back to technology antagonism, I think this is pretty common nowadays. A lot of people say we "spend too much time" using our phones–how could we not? Everything is on our mobile phones now. Entertainment, communication, and even work. Before smartphones, we were all probably spending too much time watching TV.

Of course, I do not discount the fact that addiction can probably be a factor. If you're on your phone longer than necessary (i.e., 5-6+ hours) then that is probably unhealthy and you may need to detoxify for a bit. Otherwise, you're probably fine! Your coworker/whoever told you at work that you were spending too much time probably just meant it lightly and weren't aware of the fact that you are probably dealing with tech trauma.

I'd say easing your way into the good sides of technology. I love reading new technological breakthroughs every day. Like, when online learning (pre-pandemic) became a thing? I was obsessed with reading stuff about learning management systems, how did new online schools operate, and how we could literally make any place a classroom (our kitchens, dining tables, etc).

Then, when alternative energy became a thing, I had read up on feasibility studies that cross-analyzed different sources like hydro, wind, solar, into making them potential power sources to nullify fossil fuels.

Technology is amazing but can be equally disgusting when not used for the right things. I hope you get to find that love for technology back!
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