Create a backup disk for Windows 2000

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Solid State Member

I recently bought a refurbished Dell desktop that came with Windows 2000. However, it did not come with a OS CD to reinstall Windows should my computer ever crash. How do I create one?

I found how to create an emergency repair disk using the backup utility, but that seems to just backup my settings, not the entire OS.

Thanks for any help...
No, there is no i386 folder in C....

Is there way to make a backup CD by rebooting to a blank CD and using a function key to access a menu..... ?
If you dont have the 2000 cd, or there are no files on there, you cant make a cd but you can make an image but that just takes your settings you have now so it wouldnt be a fresh install
I found a site that sells Dell Win2K CDs (without the license key) for backup purposes, but they are SP1. I have SP4. Will one of these Cds serve the purpose? If I were to use it to reinstall, could I upgrade from SP1 to SP4 off Windows Update?
that would work but try to find one that has sp4. if you cant, i would slipstream sp4 into the cd.
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