crashing games

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Baseband Member
lately my games have been crashing atrandom times and even on some occasion shutting the whole pc down. when i reboot a major error is reported. any help welcomed
what kind of mobo/ram/processor/video card do you have on your system, and does this happen to every game or just a select few.
mobo dunno
256 sdram
athlon 1800+XP
ge force2 mx400 64 mb
well the games i have played lately have all done , cm01/02, warcraft3, cm4, global power demo.
u may need to update ur VGA Driver and also install the latest DirectX
also if u use No-CD Crack -i mean u downloaded a game from the internet and used a crack to remove the CD-Cheiking - u may need to find a new one

of all thses didn't work out i guess there in a major problem with your OS
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