Computer Problem "program not responding"

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Beta member
I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right category.
My computer is constantly 'locking' and telling
me the program is not responding.
(7 o/o/ 10 times I try to pull up a website.
Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
"I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right category"
you aren't.. check the semi-titles before posting.
" Thank you in advance", thank you too...
After almost mailing my computer back to Sony
and no help from their support...Circuit City Rep.
helped us and problem was solved.
If anyone has this problem:
I had alot of program installed that showed up on the lower taskbar (hidden).
Went into: Start Run Type: MSCONFIG
and unchecked them.
My system is now faster-than-lighting, no
lock-ups at all and browsers load instantly. :) :)
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