Cleaning up Harddrive.


How are you all? I am fine! Thanks for asking.

Anyways I was wondering is there ways of cleaning up a harddrive to free up space. I have a measly 20 GB Hardrive and it is fulling up quickly. I have several big games in all that all together add up to just over 4 GB. I dont have much software....Is there anything I can delete/Clean up to free up a bit of space...I dont want to buy a bigger hardrive at the moment...
Thanks to anyone who reads/replies.

Yours Sincerely
Computer Noob.
Hello Again!
Me again. Just wanted to quickly add that I have run disk cleanup several times and it can only free up less than a MB of space....
you can do a search for txt and doc files and delete them if unneeded-Delete image files,Sound files,mp3's
You can also go under control panel and click Add or Remove Programs and it will show a list of programs you have installed, and you can uninstall unneccesary ones. Another thing, im not sure if it will help, is Defragmenting your hard drive, that may help too. To do this click "My Computer", then right click on your hard drive, then click properties at the bottom of the menu that pops up when you right click. At the top of the properties window click the tab marked "Tools" and there should be an option titled "Defragmentation", click the button that says defragment now and you should be able to do the rest.
Ok, Thanks But i dont want to remove any programs that i have installed as i use them all....Does Disk Defragmenter Cleanup any space..or any other progs like that////////
Disk Defragmenter moves all of the files that are scattered through your hard drive together so that they are easier to access, so I am not sure it would actually add space to your hard drive, but you can still do it.
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