Circuit City to liquidate remaining US stores

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Rather funny. Last week, I was watching the movie Eagle Eye. You look on the security cameras footage on the movie, and the date is 29 Jan 2009..
You got that one scene when they go into the computer shop, and it happen to be a circuit city. And I am thinking "That funny, that shop should be closed down"
I'm really not surprised..

Personally, I think the number of electronics buyers has increased to the internet in the past number of years.. Not to mention the state of our economy.. The odd thing, Radio Shack Outlasted them! -THAT's ODD!!!
Went to buy a new LCD from there, and the discounts were only 10% on LCDs. I'm going back for an Xbox 360. Their Pro console was only $225, but I wasn't looking for a 360 then. Hopefully they still have some. If not, I'll be buying an Arcade, which was $175 or $165 I believe.
Hmmm well heres my 2 cents, I used to work at Bestbuy when i was still in college, and although it was a pretty fun job, it was a terrible place to shop. I mean we charged 36 dollars for a USB cable...enough said ( as others have mentioned previously, cables are usually the most overcharged stuff at retail stores ). Bestbuy should be renamed Worst Buy...seriously :p

anyways concerning CC, its a shame that its closing down since sometimes they offered good deals or incentives ( they sold BF2: special forces for 6.99 one time! ) Anyways are the prices at CC stores still high? 10% discounts don't really seem that much at all.

Also thank goodness Frys is still around, they offer great selection along with TERRIBLE service and long but fast moving lines :p
Some things at CC were good. I bought my LG 24" for $450 when newegg was selling for $550. Its hit or miss there. BTW I went to staples before CC and they had the 8800gts for $400 :eek:
CC was cool, I worked there for a long time. Up until the last 6 months or so it was definitely a quality retailer. Good prices, good atmosphere, lots of new customers coming in, etc. Now it's just Microcenter. I can't even bear to step into a Best Buy lol. It's just so huge and expensive, a lot of the sales people at my local one are just dicks, too. All those years of anti-Best Buy propaganda are working against me, too, probably ;)
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