changing windows xp pro product key

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before you ask yes i am currently using a pirated copy of xp but i want to change my ways, sort of, i have recently purchased a new computer with xp pro on it and would like to use the same copy on my old computer without reinstalling. ive found many sites that say how to do it, like the one on microsofts knowlege base;en-us;328874 but when i try to do the nonscripted way the screen that comes up has the little white blocks with the x in it like in ie and nothing else. then when i try to do it the scripted way i get errors saying generic error 0x80041001, im not sure if im doing it wrong or what. if anybody can help me id appreciate it.
thats the exact same thing listed on microsofts knowlege base =/ thans for trying though
when you receice error message generic error it means your installation of win xp was incomplete and some important system files are missing try reinstalling (complete) not upgrade.
for system files that are missing email me and ill help
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