CD problem

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Beta member
Hi there, don't know if anyone can help but...

I installed a demo version of CD Clone to try it out and had some problems, so I've uninstalled it. The problem is that now my CD Drives do not recognise when I change CDs which is a real pain.

Any thoughts anyone? I did get the system to roll back to pre the install point but I still have the problem...
Been through and removed all references to CD burning software that has been installed on a test basis, plus uninstalled the applications (other way round, but you know what I mean! ;-) ( . Even traced the boot sequence with BOOTVIS to see if I can see an errant driver being loaded, and there's notheing there....

Could it be maybe some system Service that is not running or something equally stupid...????

I'm running Windows XP Service Pack 1 and my drivers and patches are up to date. Even run Windowsupdate to ensure.....
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