Cant set up home intranet!

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If you are going to use 1 computer as the 'host', then you need to make sure it has 2 NIC's on it... Connect one to the modem, and the other to the switch. You will have to enable ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) on this computer.... ADDITIONALLY, if you want to surf the web with any other PC's, that 'host' machine HAS to be on, or the internet won't work... Much cheaper & easier to use a router....
is router cheap?
and wat wire should i buy?
same end or different end?(PC to PC or switch port to PC)?
Yes, routers are cheap. You can Wired or wireless for nearly the same price.. Between $40 - $100 depending on feature sets, the more expensive obviously have more features, but for small home use, they probably aren't needed. I would recommend getting a wireless router, even if you don't plan on using the wireless. You can shut off the wireless capabilities from the router configuration page, and then re-enable it in the future if you do get a wireless host, without the need to get another router.

As far as cables, You will be ok with straight-through cables.
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