Canadian Police do it right

That's because the police in your area isn't like that.

I keep watching Hot Fuzz and now I think every cop in Britain is like Nicholas Angel. :p Too bad that's quite far from the truth.
That's because the police in your area isn't like that.

I keep watching Hot Fuzz and now I think every cop in Britain is like Nicholas Angel. :p Too bad that's quite far from the truth.

Honestly the crime rates would prolly be a bit lower if all the cops where like that . :D
But in a serious note i dont actualy think it is such a good thing if all the police where armed as the criminals would just arm themselves as well to compete with the police and i think some cops would just go too far and miseuse their guns .
I do think in high gun crime areas where ther is a lot of gang activity all the cops should be armed as the gangs are already armed that way an unarmed cop dosent have to worry about how long it takes armed assistance to turn up . It should also be a choice thing . If a officer dosent feel confident enough or for some other reason dosent want a gun they shouldn't have to take one
But yeah it seems quite crazy to us cos the cops round here would prolly get put in jail if they did that .
Also i was saying human rights activists would go crazy over that cos over here we had them terrorist attacks the other month and people where calling for the length police can hold a suspected terrorist from 28 days to maybe 48 or 90 days and human rights people said that would be against human rights . Yet its ok for mr terrorist to drive his car bomb into a populated airport . Its f****ing ridiculous some of the bulls**t theese human rigs people come out with sometimes .
They are even against the armed police using tasers as opposed to the usual guns as people can be killed i mean for christs sake i am sure theese people are just not applying common sense before they speak
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