Get your degree by all means but experience is, by far, the most important thing when trying to find work. Over many years I have worked with many new graduates who, quite frankly, didn't have a clue when it came to doing the actual work.
Get your degree by all means but experience is, by far, the most important thing when trying to find work. Over many years I have worked with many new graduates who, quite frankly, didn't have a clue when it came to doing the actual work.
In that case you will have to move to the work. Bottom line is that we can only advise on our own experiences. My home town was steel and coal mining but I wanted to be an electronics engineer. I joined the army (British) to get my qualifications and experience .I could have gone to university whilst in the armed forces but I decided that I didn't really want to do that after all.
Jobs all over are few and far between and in the field that you are interested in there are hundreds if not thousands of applicants, most of whom will be highly qualified with vast experience. As I said go for your degree, you have have the qualifications anyway. That should take a couple or three years then worry about getting work.