I Just thought I'd make this little post on how you can apply to become a Beta Tester for Microsoft...
Go to beta.microsoft.com and Sign in using your Passport, you can then Choose to enter a Guest ID...
Standard Beta Tester Form--BetaReq
(Untitled Beta Project for Media Software)--MS_BetaApp
BizTalk Server Adapter for Web Services Enhancements 2.0--WSEAdapter
iSCSI Software Initiator 2.0 ("Osaka")--iSCSI
Java Language Conversion Assistant 3.0--JLCA3
Live Communications Server Client Beta--LCclient
"Longhorn" Command Shell--mshPDC
"Longhorn" Developer Platform--longhornsurvey
MSN Friends and Family Testing Opportunity--BetaFandF
MSN Remote Record Service--myshows
Network/Connectivity Device & Driver Testing Suite--NDISTest
Office Live Communication Server 2005--LCS2005
Office Tool for XBRL Prototype--xbrlprototype
Small Business Software--smallbizsolutions
SQL Server 2005 ("Yukon")--sql05beta
Systems Management Server 2003 SP1, DM, OSD, and SDK--SMSInvite
Virtual Server 2005 Migration Toolkit (VSMT) Beta--vsmt_beta
Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack Beta--vsndpspguest
Windows 2000 Update Rollup Package--Win2kURPTest
Windows Application Compatibility Toolkit 4.0--appcompatguest
Windows Driver Foundation--Guest4WDF
Windows Server 2003 "R2" Beta--wInr2nOm
Windows Update 5.0--WUV5Prev
Go to beta.microsoft.com and Sign in using your Passport, you can then Choose to enter a Guest ID...
Standard Beta Tester Form--BetaReq
(Untitled Beta Project for Media Software)--MS_BetaApp
BizTalk Server Adapter for Web Services Enhancements 2.0--WSEAdapter
iSCSI Software Initiator 2.0 ("Osaka")--iSCSI
Java Language Conversion Assistant 3.0--JLCA3
Live Communications Server Client Beta--LCclient
"Longhorn" Command Shell--mshPDC
"Longhorn" Developer Platform--longhornsurvey
MSN Friends and Family Testing Opportunity--BetaFandF
MSN Remote Record Service--myshows
Network/Connectivity Device & Driver Testing Suite--NDISTest
Office Live Communication Server 2005--LCS2005
Office Tool for XBRL Prototype--xbrlprototype
Small Business Software--smallbizsolutions
SQL Server 2005 ("Yukon")--sql05beta
Systems Management Server 2003 SP1, DM, OSD, and SDK--SMSInvite
Virtual Server 2005 Migration Toolkit (VSMT) Beta--vsmt_beta
Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack Beta--vsndpspguest
Windows 2000 Update Rollup Package--Win2kURPTest
Windows Application Compatibility Toolkit 4.0--appcompatguest
Windows Driver Foundation--Guest4WDF
Windows Server 2003 "R2" Beta--wInr2nOm
Windows Update 5.0--WUV5Prev