AMD 2600x

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Need to know if I can use Asus A7V333 motherboard with the new AMD 2600x CPU. Or do I need a new motherboard and, if so, advise which, please.

On current motherboard have 512MB of 2700 RAM and 2200x cpu. Presumably still useable?
From what ASUS says, yes you can. But you my need to update your bios.
Thank you. Am awaiting info about how to update from version 1011. The CD is useless as I get errors like:
Asus Probe 2. Access violation at address 004090c2 in modules Asusprob.exe@ Read of address 0000030.
And Setup program detects no LM75 or any compatible chip on board. All of this is way over my head, but if anyone out there can give me some guidance, I'd be very grateful.
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