adsl not working.connected but doesnt work

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Baseband Member
Hi everyone.

Yesterday my sister was looking up auditions for the next Harry Potter film (lol, as if she'd have a chance)but she likes to do that kinda crap 'cos shes weird and naive.Well anyway, when i was out skateboarding with some of ma m8s i came home and she said that she was behind the pc (OMG) trying to see if the printer was plugged in (usb)and she said the adsl wasnt working.So, i tried a few webpages and signing into msn messenger. The router said that there is a connection to my adsl and it was connected. The router also tells me that their is a link to my network card in my computer.(100mpbs)But, no webpages will load.When i use my 56k now it works fine(so much slower tho, how did i ever use it)and loads up pages with time lol.So, how can i get my adsl running again?ive tried system restore but that was when i had some driver problem with it but they are fine now.
Try THis:

Go to start>run Type "cmd" or "command"

When the prompt comes up type "ipconfig /release"

Then "ipconfig /renew"
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