A slew of MATH PROBLEMS; All for you guys ;)

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If f(x)=x^2

a) Sketch y=2f(1/2x)+1

b) State domain and range of the transformed graph.


Enter that into a graphing calculator!
It should be a parabola with the vertex at (0,1) and two other points would be (1, 1.5) and (-1, 1.5)

B) Domain (-infinity, +infinity)
Range [1, +infinity)

...I can do the others if no one else does, my girlfriend is just ready to go to dinner....I will be home a few hours.
Nah don't worry, I solved em all second period before my huge culminating test. I'm sure I got 100% on the test, but yeah alot of you were spot on. I appreciate the help given.

Thanks again guys, and thats that for grade 11 math, SUMMER TIME B!TCHESSSSSSSSSSSSS.
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