3rd format

y do they make new gpus every 3 months? even no the soft where wont take advantage of it yet?
its all for money and they know Americans will bi it
i could care less how many format's these digital companies come out with, just as long as they are good, and the price is right...people will buy.

the more these companies compete against eachother, we win as the comsumer who buy's their product.


also not to get off topic here, but i heard somewhere that the local radio stations are playing around with the idea of having a center channel built into their already stereo stream, meaning that the surround stereo will be even better...the center channel will probably just carry the vocals of the broabcast song....and the other right and left channel will carry the music.

that's my theory anyways...we'll have to wait and see what they come up with.
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