24 canceled :(

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Here's some more to add to that:

How many times will a White House Administration member go against the law to do "what's right for the country"?
How many times will a Jack Bauer go against the law to do "what's right for the country"?
How many times will any character of 24 go against the law to do "what's right for the country"? (Starkwood...)
How many times will CTU--a very secure government agency--get bombed, attacked, or destroyed?
Jack yelling "DROP YOUR WEAPON"
So and So sacrificing themselves for no reason at all.
24: The Drinking Game | DrinkPlanner
In order to create a balanced and steady game that doesn't get you wasted in the first 15 mins and then leave you in the lurch for the last 45 mins, I've created the following rules. I've tried to make them as generic and non-season-specific as possible, so you should be able to go back and play the game with old episodes if you so desire (you should always follow your desires*).

Take one drink if:

Jack says “**** it!”
You hear the CTU/FBI ringtone
Something (security systems, computers, video, etc.) is hacked into
Someone needs an open socket
Take two drinks if:

Someone requests something sent to their screen, PDA, or phone
Someone flanks, moves into position, or secures the perimeter
Something is going to happen “within the hour”
Someone needs schematics or requests access codes
Someone requests to be “patched through” or conferenced in to a call
Take three drinks if:

Jack orders someone to drop their weapon
Jack drops his weapon
Chloe is awkward
Chloe is a pain in the ***
Someone is followed
Jack breaks protocol, the law, or commits treason
Someone is tortured until they give up information
Take a shot if:

Jack says he “doesn't have time to explain”
Jack says “I just need you to trust me”
Jack says “Right now he's our only lead!”
Jack “had no choice”
A suspected “bad guy” is really a good guy working undercover
Someone thought to be dead is actually still alive
Finish your drink if:

A mole is revealed in CTU, the President's staff, or the FBI
Jack recovers from death or near-death in an inhuman amount of time (like within the hour)
Someone mentions Jack's wife or his estranged relationship with Kim (this rule won't work in the 1st season)
I think it's a pretty solid set of rules. It's hard to say this season with things being so different if it will still work, but if things keep going the way they have, it should work out just fine. Happy drinking!
LOL! I better stock up and to a 24 marathon.

24 for is one of those shows that I will pick up a complete series box set if I happen to see it on special.
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