0x10^c - a game developed from community feedback

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office politics

It's all just 1s and 0s
in the lab
hackaday reports the maker of minecraft, notch, has started another project.

Getting 12 year olds to learn assembly programming - Hack a Day

here's the project homepage. has links to notch's twitter feed and the game's forum.

0x10 ͨ

A New Game
Hi, I'm Notch, and this is my new game. It's going to be a space game, and it's quite ambitious!

The game is still extremely early in development, but like we did with Minecraft, we expect to release it early and let the players help me shape the game as it grows.

The cost of the game is still undecided, but it's likely there will be a monthly fee for joining the Multiverse as we are going to emulate all computers and physics even when players aren't logged in. Single player won't have any recurring fees.
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