£££ but where do i start

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Solid State Member
After my post in the sound section i pondered over wot to get and decided i might as well upgrade the most important things rather than concentrate on sound
first heres my system

2* 1.2MP AMD
Tyan Tiger Mp MOBO
512mb ECC reg dual processor ram
64mb elsa gladicu 920 geforce 3
dual 40gb HDD both ide
1024 soundblaster
cambridge soundworks 4 speaker and bass box system
24x cdrom drive
2 ethernet cards (cable connection)
sony E200 multiscan trinition 17"
4 case fans (prcoessors run at 50c)

well im not sure wot i need to upgrade most i currently use the computer for file sharing watching dvds playing CS and listening to music

any help most appreciated

thats a pretty nice system already!
If you want to upgrade, and if you game alot
I would surely up to a 128 meg video card....can be pricey
but well worth it for what you are using your pc for.
You might wanna consider adding a dvd drive for playing
regular dvds and/or ripping of dvds. You could also
add another hard drive...you can never have enough drive space... 80 gig for $100 us. And if that is an actual 24x cdrom and not a cdrw... I would definitely install a burner and/or upgrade the cdrom. Hope this helps ya!

[teamRAD]M-16 said:
well im aiming to spend between £1000 and £1500

thanks for any help in advance

for that much money ... you can get more stuff than mentioned ...

I suggest you get atleast Sound Blaster Live! since you watch DVD ...

By the way ... you will also need a DVD drive instead of the 24X CD-ROM ...

Good Luck!

Best regards from,
thanks guys for ur input
yes it is 24x cdrom and not cdrw
wot is the best soundcard to get>?
im also having problems with cooling my processors run very high so should i upgrade to watercooling? or put more fans in? or buy a fridge to put it in?? i currently have 4 internal 8mm fans in the comp and my processors are stable on 50 c but my feet get hot :p

if yes to watercooling wot system is best / company is best??

thank u in advance
[teamRAD]M-16 said:
thanks guys for ur input
yes it is 24x cdrom and not cdrw
wot is the best soundcard to get>?
im also having problems with cooling my processors run very high so should i upgrade to watercooling? or put more fans in? or buy a fridge to put it in?? i currently have 4 internal 8mm fans in the comp and my processors are stable on 50 c but my feet get hot :p

if yes to watercooling wot system is best / company is best??

thank u in advance

Sorry for the late reply ...

Best sound card? IMHO ... Creative SoundBlaster Audigy ...

best cooling system company? IMHO (again) ... SwiftTech ...

Good luck! ;)

Best regards from,
Yeah it is old

If you into games, I suggest going a single processor solution, games are not written for dual processors or dual cores yet.
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