Recent content by slightly_slow

  1. S

    key logger

    LOL nice one Chankama
  2. S

    Trick or TREAT!!!

    But i've never done it b4; now im 21 (so old!) bad age to start lol and since its only been going a couple years over here i mite look a bit dumb :P
  3. S

    Trick or TREAT!!!

    LOL nice. NZ has only gotten into halloween a couple of years ago; b4 that no1 really did anything. I've never done it; I'm too old!
  4. S

    Trick or TREAT!!!

    Its 31st nite here; I hate children. I have locked all my doors and shut my curtains. Tonight, I shall take safety on the internet where i will not be found by scary children wanting to egg my house, smear my car with margarine, or want lollies to stuff their greedy faces. God thank the...
  5. S

    Geek Exercise?

    Skipping! A guy @ work (fellow geek) he has taken up strict eating (no takeaways) and skipping in his garage. He has lost shit loads of weight and looks good. All in the comfort of his own home.... I promise you can lose 15-20kgs from that if ya got self control. Girls will be impressed. Once...
  6. S


    Webroots Spy Sweeper is the best thing since sliced bread. (costs $ tho but well worth it) MS antispyware sux imho.
  7. S

    Curse you ME!

    Hey trekkie I agree with the others. What a terrible OS. lol. You could run both XP and ME, but why would you :P ditch ME =D
  8. S

    After reformating

    If you can, I/d try to download it from somewhere else and burn it to disc/other media - then install it on your pc. If you've got windows, you'll probably get hit by the old sasser worm within seconds of jumping online. Always fun to get your system shut down in 30 seconds when your trying to...
  9. S

    hey all

    an australian :D classic! /me waves
  10. S

    hey all

    Hey!! I'm Kylee, from NZ ;) I've been lookin 4 a new place 2 hang out for a while - this looks good. I work in IT *sigh* lol... do a bit of everything. Look after 250 users, 350pcs + 11 windows servers. Hope to learn stuff from you all and help out where I can. Catcha soon
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