Recent content by sej111

  1. S

    Networking Problems

    The IP address youÂ’re seeing is a default. Is this a wireless connection or wired ethernet? If it's wireless, is it protected by encryption?
  2. S

    No fixed media in "My Computer"

    Thanks, I appreciate the info. I found the correct window with no problem. I discovered this hidden drive condition on a newer Dell machine, itÂ’s the first time IÂ’ve come across it. Do you you happen know why this was done?
  3. S

    No fixed media in "My Computer"

    I went to run the defragmenter from "My Computer" on an XP machine, but the "C" drive doesn't appear, only removable media. The fixed media category isnÂ’t listed at all. I vaguely remember reading somewhere itÂ’s possible to hide a hard drive, but canÂ’t remember how itÂ’s done. (NOTE: The...
  4. S

    Win 2K Server DHCP Errors

    No, there's only two warnings for both my NICs, here's one of them: The system failed to register network adapter with settings: Adapter Name : {489F5CDA-4B78-4792-96A3-06CE2BA48C60} Host Name : server Adapter-specific Domain Suffix : {my DNS server list ...
  5. S

    Win 2K Server DHCP Errors

    I'm constantly getting two error messages in the System Event Log that don't seem to effect the server or LAN, but are still annoying. They're listed below: System, DHCP Server errors Event 1014 The JET Database call returned the following error : -533. Additional Debug Information...
  6. S

    Need some help...i do

    I have a Win 2k Adv Server running two NICs (one on the MoBo, the second in a PCI slot. One connects to the internet through a Linksys router, the other connects only to my LAN. Both NICs use different addressing protocols. Setting this up is very tricky. Unless you have a very good reason to...
  7. S

    Apple to open stores in Manchester, Sheffield

    I live in Silicon Valley CA, and a friend went to the Palo Alto Mac store a few years back to figure out which G4 to buy. Steven Jobs walks in, asks her a few questions, then helps her find the configuration she needed. She was really pleased.
  8. S

    Stupid Mac Mice

    Actually, OS 10.3 was the first Mac system to fully integrate the second button into the mouse. Although I've been using the second button since 9.1
  9. S

    I Need Powermac Roms :) :) :) :) :)

    Actually, this is pretty interesting. I may just load a throwaway XP system on one of my PCs and try loading an emulated Mac OS on it. I have every Mac OS installer from 8.0 to 10.4 The ROM image thing seems a bit strange, you'd think it would be integrated into the emulator interface rather...
  10. S

    can't file share on MSN

    I don't use MSN, but I do network Macs with PCs, so bear with me. Are you talking MSN Hot-Mail, MSN Messenger, or what? Are you talking about sending e-mail attachments, or are you trying to transfer files between your Mac and PC HDs via your LAN (home network). It's also possible the Mac...
  11. S

    I Need Powermac Roms :) :) :) :) :)

    Where would you solder a Mac ROM to a PC motherboard? A ROM is a chip containing burned-in code. And Mac OSs have no instruction set capable of operating a PC motherboard. I've only done the opposite, running Windows on a Mac via an emulator. With Virtual PC, the Windows system becomes...
  12. S

    Norton Anti Virus 4 mac

    I've had Norton Systemworks installed on machines before but never tried to do a scan. The good news is, if you look at a list of viruses, adware, spyware, etc. such as: You'll discover Mac and Linux Systems are immune. The only...
  13. S

    Another Mac vs. PC thread

    Mac OS X is also a derivative of Unix. Since I actually do the Network Administration (including Web Server Administration) you only refer to hypothetically, and since I had hoped at one time Linux would reduce my work load -- which it didn't, just the opposite. I'll continue doing, while you...
  14. S

    Problem with...well...problematic Classic

    Hi, This can be confusing at times. Multiple drives are taken for granted by some people, while a complete unknown to others. When you look in the upper right corner of your OS X desktop, you see one or more little drive icons. The icon on top represents the drive containing the OS you're...
  15. S

    Another Mac vs. PC thread

    Again, IÂ’m not going to argue. Even if a Xerox engineer first invented the GUI, Apple put it on the map. I realize Linux people are very defensive of Linux. IÂ’ve used Linux in both Macs and PCs, I thought it was pretty neat -- I just consider it way too flaky for a commercial network. When...
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